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Make a Secure Donation to the Cape Co. Libertarian Party via Credit Card or PayPal

Or make a check payable to:

Cape Co. Libertarian Party

Mail it to the Treasurer:
Greg Tlapek
1569 N. Cape Rock Dr.
Cape Girardeau, MO 63701

Please support the Party by doing one or more of these other things:
-Put Libertarian bumper stickers on your vehicles
-Use the "contact" tab
-Visit and leave volunteer information.  It will be forwarded to the State Party and us.
-Visit and 1) Join.  2) Subscribe to e-mail announcements

At election time:
-Vote Libertarian
-Put out a Libertarian Party yard sign
-Contact the newspaper and TV and radio stations encouraging them to give the Party coverage

Ahead of election time (in March of even numbered years)
-Run for office (see the "candidate" tab)

The Libertarian Party

The Libertarian Party is America's third largest political party, founded in 1971. Our vision is for a world in which all individuals can freely exercise the natural right of sole dominion over their own lives, liberty and property by building a political party that elects Libertarians to public office, and moving public policy in a libertarian direction.

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Cape Girardeau County
Libertarian Party
(573) 651-3733