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Local Governments

This page should discuss the different forms of government in the different communities in Cape County. For example, Cape has a Council/Manager form of government. It should also acknowledge unincorporated areas and reference information on how behavior is governed.   It should include references and links to state requirements for 2nd class? counties.

Generally, consider creating a link to a blogspot for each page on the Cape Co LP website as many topics are worthy of voluminous discussion and opportunity for readers to contribute to multiple discussions on various subtopics, which can only be done on the "home" page of each blog as Blogspot is currently designed.  All pages other than the "home" page, only offer one spot for people to leave comments.

Try to get Wes to change the "Sliders" to show the different communities in the county, or at least to have one of them be a map listing them and linking to the page on local governments.

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